Aquesta nit he dormit molt poc, unes 3 horetes aproximadament,
ja que tenia un examen i volia repassar el temari al màxim.
Així que després de l'examen, estava ben cansada.
He dormit una mitja horeta abans de dinar i volia fer el mateix després de dinar.
Però després he pensat que seria millor aprofitar per fer alguna altra cosa i guardar la son per la nit.
Així que he agafat la càmera i he anat a passejar en direcció a Plaça Espanya.
I després d'això, he anat a córrer amb la Bet per tal d'estar ben esgotada a la nit.
I ho estic.
Last night I slept so little, around 3 hours,
because I had an exam today and I wanted to review of all the exam syllabus.
So after the mentioned exam, I was so very tired.
I slept half an hour before lunch time and I intended to do so after lunch.
But then I thought it was better to do something else so I wouldn't be sleepless at night.
So I took my camera and headed for a stroll towards Plaça Espanya.
And after that, I went jogging with Bet so I would be extremely exhausted at night.
And I am.
Per veure més fotos del cel d'arreu del món: SkyWatch Friday.
To enjoy more sky photos from around the world: SkyWatch Friday.
Wow, you did a great job!
ResponEliminaOh! Thank you! I wasn't that sure about this photo... I was thinking of posting another one... so it's great to hear that you think it's nice. :)
EliminaBeautiful picture!
ResponEliminaThat's a lovely shot. Hope you get some sleep!
ResponEliminabeautiful colors! Happy sky watching.
ResponEliminaMy sky.