M'he estat barallant amb la meva càmera nova per poder tirar fotos macro, el meu tipus preferit,
sense aconseguir-ho.
La cosa està en que no sé com funciona encara la càmera... però avui he fet un gran descobriment.
Apretant un petit botó em permet tirar totes les fotos macro que vulgui.
El botó és el que podeu veure a la foto: AE-L AF-L.
Necessito fer un curset en breu!
I've been struggling with taking macro photos, my favorite kind of photos,
with my new camera.
The thing is that I don't know much about how it works...
but today I had such a great surprise when I pushed a button that allowed me to take macro photos.
The button is the one you can see in the pic: AE-L AF-L.
I need to join a course soon!
I also learned using my camera by chance and experimenting. :D
ResponEliminaI love to take photos on my walks. I have a simple Polaroid digital camera, it brings me much joy. Love the photo, great blog!