dimecres, 10 de juliol del 2013

Dia 285 - Any 3 // Day 285 - Year 3

He anat a la Sala Razzmatazz al concert de The Lumineers!
M'ha encantat el concert!
I m'he emportat la sorpresa de descobrir que la Neyla Pekarek {la noia del grup} té una veu impressionant!
Hi ha hagut més d'un "oooh oooh" del públic al sentir-la cantar, igual com en el vídeo que us deixo.

And today... I WENT TO A CONCERT!!!
I went to Sala Razzmatazz at The Lumineers concert!
I had such a great time!
And I also discovered that Neyla Pekarek {the girl of the group} has an amazing voice.
There were some "oooh oooh" from the audience when she started singing, as in the video below.

No sé què tenen els cantants... que sempre m'enamoren!!!
I a més a més, m'han entrat ganes de saber cantar, seria genial!

I don't know exactly what musicians have... but always make me fall in love!!!
Also, I wish I could sing, it would be the best!

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