dimarts, 9 de juliol del 2013

Dia 284 - Any 3 // Day 284 - Year 3

Frase escrita a la paret del lavabo de la biblioteca que fa dies que veig
i a la qual m'hi he sentit identificada alguns moments. 

I avui, de camí a la biblioteca, ha sonat la cançó "Let Her Go" de Passenger.
Sense ser-ne massa conscient l'anava cantant, quan de sobte m'he adonat que el que acabava de dir era:
"Only hate the road when you're missing home"
i he fet la connexió!!! 

Sentence* written on the wall of a toilet at the library which I saw some days ago
and that I can relate because I've felt this way some times.

Today, on my way to the library the song "Let Her Go" by Passenger started playing at the radio.
Without being much aware of it I was singing the it, when suddenly I realized what I had just said:
"Only hate the road when you're missing home"
and made the connection!!! 

*It means: "only hate the road when missing home".

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