La Laura fa uns dies em va dir que a casa seva tenien un cabrits petits.
Sabent la il·lusió que em farien, em va convidar a anar-los a veure.
I això és el que he fet avui, hi hem anat jo i la meva germana.
My friend Laura told me some days ago that they had little goats at their house.
Knowing how much I would like it, she invited me to go visit.
So, this is what I did today, me and my sister went.

Quan han vist el biberó, s'han posat ben boges.
Se'm llençaven al cim competint per unes gotes de llet.
When they saw the milk bottle, they went crazy.
They keep jumping on me competing for some drops of milk.
Sabent la il·lusió que em farien, em va convidar a anar-los a veure.
I això és el que he fet avui, hi hem anat jo i la meva germana.
My friend Laura told me some days ago that they had little goats at their house.
Knowing how much I would like it, she invited me to go visit.
So, this is what I did today, me and my sister went.

Quan han vist el biberó, s'han posat ben boges.
Se'm llençaven al cim competint per unes gotes de llet.
When they saw the milk bottle, they went crazy.
They keep jumping on me competing for some drops of milk.
Després els hem passejat una mica i han començat a saltar com cabretes!!!
Quina gràcia!
Then we took them for a little walk and they started jumping like crazy!!!
It was so funny!
Si aquests cabrits estiguessin a casa meva,
em passaria el dia així:
If these little goat where at my home,
I would spend the day like this:

Eren tant maques, però tant, tant i tant!!! :D
Moooooltes gràcies Laura per fer-me feliç!!! :D :D
They were so beautiful, so so so so much!!! :D
Thank you very much Laura for making me happy!!! :D :D
Molts de res Nona! Realment no em va costar res i saps que pots venir sempre que vulguis!!! Molen molt les fotos :)
Oh my they are so cute, I've never been so up close a goat yet although there are a lot of them in the Philippines but it looks like they're never cuddly looking as these ones. hahahah...