El dia que em vaig comprar aquest penjoll,
ho faig fer amb dubtes pel que em diria la gent.
A mi m'agradava, això sí, però no sabia què em diria la gent al portar-lo.
Després d'haver-lo portat durant tota la primavera,
us puc assegurar que aquest penjoll ha triumfat!
No hi ha hagut dia que me l'hagi posat sense que algú em dies alguna cosa positiva.
Ha estat una bona i barata inversió!
The day I bought this necklace,
I wasn't sure of what people may say about it.
I liked it, but I wasn't sure of that the people would think when I wore it.
After wearing it all Spring long,
I can assure you that the necklace has triumphed!
There wasn't a day I wore it that people wouldn't say me something positive about it.
It turned to be a good and cheap investment!
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