dimecres, 30 de maig del 2012

Dia 245 - Any 2

És dimecres.
Hi ha doncs alguna cosa millor a fer que quedar amb els de teatre per anar a veure una obra junts?
I per aquest motiu, això és el que hem fet aquest vespre.
Hem anat a veure, "La Revolució" obra de la qual la Gisela n'és actriu.

Ens resistim a acceptar que teatre ha acabat i que les nostres tardes de dimecres estan buides.

It's Wednesday.
Is there any better thing to do than meeting with your theatre group friends and going to enjoy a theatre play?
So, for this very reason, this is what we have done this evening.
We went to "La Revolució", a theatre play in which Gisela is one of the actresses.

We are reluctant to accept that the theatre course is over and that our Wednesday afternoons are empty now.

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