divendres, 25 de maig del 2012

Dia 240 - Any 2

Aquesta foto és de dimarts passat.
Al arribar Barcelona, el cel estava ben tapat.
 De camí cap al pis des de l'Estació de Sants anava observant com el cel anava canviant de color,
agafant cada vegada un to més grogenc.
Semblava que el cel estigués encès.

Vaig arribar al pis, i després de les salutacions amb la Marina i la Txell
vaig veure a través de les escletxes de la persina un to molt vermellós en el cel.
Vaig dirigir-me cap al menjador, tot avisant a la Txell que mirés el cel, per tenir una millor visió
i aquest és el cel que teníem al nostre davant.


This photo was taken last Tuesday.
When I arrived at Barcelona, the sky was overcast.
On my way to my apartment from Estació de Sants, I could appreciate how the sky was continually changing its color,
turning more and more yellowish every time.
It seemed to me that the sky was on fire.

I arrived at my appartment, and after saying hello to Marina and Txell
I saw through the holes in the window blind a really reddish tone on the sky.
I rushed to the living room, to have a better view, but before I warned Txell she should look at the sky, 
and this is the sky we had in front of us.


22 comentaris:

  1. We do tend to have beautiful sunsets too whenever we have overcast skies. This is so beautiful.

    1. I think the most beautiful ones are when thrEre are overcast skies...
      And thank you Prem!!!

  2. Como mola la foto! Wow!

  3. I jo m'ho vaig perdre!!!


    1. Si... però sort que jo vaig treure la camera, i així com a mínim ho pots veure en foto! ;)

  4. Nice one!Have a great weekend!


  5. Very spectacular indeed! The silhouettes of the buildings makes the photo even more interesting. Great!

  6. fabulous capture...a gorgeous sky, beautifully framed by the skyline!

  7. That is a spectacular sky. I'm glad you were able to capture it for us!

    1. Yes, Linnea, I am glad I did too. This way I can remember this beautiful moment!
      Thank you!

  8. These sky colors are incredible. Glad you were able to capture it in this photo!

  9. Thanks!
    Have a great weekend too!


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