dijous, 24 de maig del 2012

Dia 239 - Any 2

Una cosa curiosa de Barcelona és la seva fauna aèria.
Recordo que quan era petita i veníem a Barcelona a passar el dia,
podia veure ple de lloros volant lliures per la ciutat.
Amb els anys aquesta colònia de lloros no ha fet més que augmentar.
{I si no és així, a mi m'ho sembla.}

La foto n'és un clar exemple, avui caminant per l'Eixample
he vist, a més d'un lloc, lloros a la vorera menjant arrós que algú els hi havia deixat.

A curious thing about Barcelona is its aerial fauna.
I remember when I was just a little girl and we would go spend the day in Barcelona,
I could see plenty of parrots flying free around the city.
Over the years, the parrot colony has increased considerably.
{If it's not true, at least this is how it looks like to me.} 

This photo, I think, is a clear example. Today when walking around Eixample
I saw, in more than one spot, parrots eating rice in the sidewalk.

2 comentaris:

  1. I like it that you embed your translation and won't have to go to google's translator w/c is sometimes not understandable. lazy meh? hehehhe...

    1. I know... Google translate is sometimes helpful but many times the translation doesn't make any sense.
      I am happy that you appreciate my translations, though there are not perfect!


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