dimecres, 9 de maig del 2012

Dia 224 - Any 2

Un any més, avui hem anat al terrat de Ca la Sara.
Aquest cop però no només a assajar, sinó també a preparar l'espai 
per la representació que hi farem la setmana vinent.

Once again, today we went to Sara's house rooftop.
This time not only to rehearse, but also to prepare the rooftop for the representation we will held there next week.

4 comentaris:

  1. very nice light! greetings, have a nice day :)

    1. And it also was so pleasant to be there. Have a nice day too Geanina.

  2. Nice shot. I like your composition an colours!
    A great post for SkyWatch!
    Have a nice day!

    1. Hi Hans,
      I didn't thought of that picture of a SWF entry... but yeah, why not?
      I took this picture when the sun was setting... so this is why the light is so beautiful.

      Have a nice day too.


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