Foto del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Catalunya que vaig tirar diumenge al anar cap al teatre. // Photo of High Court of Justice of Catalonia that I took on Sunday when going to the theatre. |
Avui al facebook de You, Me & Charlie han escrit el següent:
"There will come a time when you realize, YOU LOVE, LOVE YOUR LIFE...."
La frase anava acompanyada d'aquest link.
Només em falta afegir que aquest moment de la vida ja m'ha arribat,
perquè ja m'he adonat que
I tu, t'encanta la teva?
Today at You, Me & Charlie's facebook page they posted the following:
"There will come a time when you realize, YOU LOVE, LOVE YOUR LIFE...."
This sentence was followed by this link.
I only need to add that this time in my life has arribed,
because I have already realized that
And you, do you love yours?
Beautiful shot of a lovely historical building. I love the perspective.
ResponEliminaThank you Liz. I really like this building... every time I walk around I can't stop admiring it.
Eliminai know this isn;t your skywatch entry but one couldn't help admiring at this stunning detail.
ResponEliminathis is just a perfect cornered angle shot you took. ^0^
btw, tnx for droppin by,
i wish i was staying there but no, ^0^
been to BCN last december for holidays solamente.
happy weekend!
I really like this building too.
EliminaThanks for you sweet words. I hope then that you had a great time visiting Barcelona.
Have a great day!