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LES JOSELINES - Heu vist quant d'amor entre nosaltres? :D // Do you see how much love there is between us? :D |
La nit es pot resumir en
{si excloem el meu mal de panxa}.
Sopar d'aniversari de la Txell al pis,
converses de tot tipus, xafardaries vàries,
multitud de persones al meu llit i cadenes de fotos,
i després festa a Plataforma.
To sum up, we can say that the night was
{if we don't count my stomach ache}.
Txell's Birthday dinner at the apartment,
all kind of conversations, some gossiping,
many people on my bed and photo chain taking,
and then party at Plataforma.
Jajajajajaja m'encanta!! Sobre tot xafarderies varies, siguem realistes jajaja
ResponEliminaUn super petó! :D
Sí, les xafarderies vàries molen!!! :D
EliminaUn altre super petó per tu!
Cute photos. Looks like you had fun.
ResponEliminaThank you. Sure, we did! ;)
EliminaSeems you all had a wonderful time celebrating the birthday!
ResponEliminaBright and happy faces--That's a specialty I noted in this shot : )