dimecres, 6 de març del 2013

Dia 159 - Any 3 // Day 159 - Year 3

He vist aquest video a un blog que llegeixo i m'ha encantat,
per això el comparteixo aquí.

Les grans ciutats, com Barcelona, s'han tornat molt impersonals perquè la gent interactua amb els desconeguts el mínim possible...
A mi, això no m'agrada.

Si us pareu a pensar amb possibles interaccions que heu tingut amb gent desconeguda,
probablement molts cops heu descobert coses bastant interessants o simplement heu passat una bona estona.
Ara recordo alguns dels vols que he fet sola, i que he acabat parlant amb la gent que tenia al costat.
Així els vols van esser més amens.
També un dia que anava a una part nova de Barcelona i un home que estava al mateix bus i era del barri, em va explicar una mica història de la zona.

No creieu que estaria molt bé, interaccionar més els uns amb els altres?

I've seen this video on a blog I read and I loved it,
so this is why I'm sharing it here.

Big cities, like Barcelona, have become really impersonal because people interact with strangers as little as possible...
I don't like that.

If you think about some of your interactions with strangers,
probably many of these time you find yourself learning interesting things or just having a good time.
Now I remember some of the flights I took alone, and that I ended up engaging into conversation with the people around me.
This flights have been much more better because of that.
Also, one day I was going to a part of the city I didn't know and I man who was at the same bus as me and that he was from that area, explained me a little bit of that neighborhood's history.

Don't you think it would be much better to interact more with other people?

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