Divendres al arribar a Girona li vaig dir a la meva mare:
"Hi ha un concurs de fotos al qual vull participar. Us he de tirar fotos a tu i a la iaia."
La meva mare hi va estar d'acord. I vam acodar que avui seria el dia.
Aquest matí, la meva mare s'ha arreglat i després hem anat cap a la residència a on està la meva àvia, amb una mica de maquillatge i atrezzo per ella.
When I arrived home last Friday I told my mother:
"There's a photo contest I want to participate. For that I need to take photos of you and gradma."
She agreed. And we decided that today was the day to take those photos.
This morning, my mother dolled herself up and then we headed to the nursing home where my grandma lives, taking with us some make-up and some atrezzo for her.
La sessió de fotos ha anat d'allò més bé.
No m'esperava menys sabent com li agrada a la meva àvia que li tiri fotos.
The photo session when really well.
I didn't expect it to be any other way, knowing how my grandma likes for me to take her photo.
Però hi ha hagut un moment... que no oblidaré mai.
He sentit a la meva àvia fer una riadalla de veritat, com feia anys que no li sentia.
Aquesta riallada m'ha fet plorar,
per un moment he tornat a tenir la meva àvia de veritat davant meu,
i la màscara de l'Alzheimer, que fa anys que l'afecta, ha desaparegut.
{Recordar-ho em fa venir les llàgrimes als ulls un altre cop.}
But there was a moment... that I will never forget.
I heard my grandma laugh, as I haven't heard for years.
Her laughing made me cry,
for a moment I again had my real grandma in front of me,
and Alzheimer's mask, that had been affecting her for years, disappeared.
{Remembering it brings tears to my eyes again.}
Fa un temps vaig llegir aquest escrit –The Hourglass Theory– d'una blogger, C. Jane Kendrick, que segueix-ho.
Entre d'altres coses, parla de com la seva àvia va anar desapareixent lentament a mesura que l'Alzheimer anava avançant. I així és com ho estic visquent jo amb la meva àvia, vaig veient com lentament ha anat deixant de ser l'àvia que sempre havia conegut...
Però per sort, encara hi ha moments, breus i escassos, en que puc sentir-hi la conexió amb la meva àvia de veritat.
Avui, ha sigut a través de la rialla.
P.D: Moments com el d'avui donen molt de sentit a aquest blog!
Some time ago I read this piece of writing –The Hourglass Theory– by a blogger, C. Jane Kendrick, that I follow.
Among other things, she explains how her grandmother slowly disappeared while Alzheimer's progressed. And this is what I'm experiencing with my grandma, I see how she has slowly is no longer the grandma that I've always knew...
Fortunately, though, there are moments, brief and just a few, when I can still feel the connection with her real self.
Today was through her laugh.
P.S: Moments like that give meaning to my blog!
Oh, I really understand your feeling as well as your mother. I live with my mother 82 years old and take care of her. She is suffering from dementia. Luckily not so bad condition. But I feel sad and depressive from time to time.
ResponEliminaAnyway, these pictures are great and make treasure for you all.