Aquest migdia he anat amb la Marta al Festiva Internacional del Circ a Figueres.
Feia molts anys que no havia anat al circ i em feia il·lusió tornar-hi.
En general ha estat bé, hi ha hagut algun espectacle una mica fluix,
especialment el dels pallassos,
però també n'hi ha hagut de molt bonics i espectaculars.
Però el millor de tot, l'atac de riure que ens ha fet plorar i tot,
per un malentès de comunicació entre nosaltres.
This noon I went with Marta to the International Circus Festival in Figueres.
It's been a long time since the last time I went to circus and I was excited.
Over all it was a good show though there was some which were quite weak,
specially the clown show,
but there were some really beautiful and spectacular.
But the best part was the laugh attack that brought us to tears
due to miscommunication between us.
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