M'he proposat fer abdominals cada dia, seguint aquest planning.
Però he de confessar, que essent una de les coses que més odio, m'és difícil complir-ho.
Però ho intento!
P.D: Aquesta foto és horrible... però m'he adonat que és incompetible fer abdominals i quedar bé.
P.D2: Veieu on està la càmera?
I decided to do crunches every day, following this exercise plan.
But I must confess, that being one of the things I hate the most, it's kind of difficult to accomplish it.
But I'm trying my best!
P.S: This photo of me is horrible... but I realized that it's incompetible to do crunches and look good at the same time.
P.S2: Do you see where is the camera?
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