Amb la Bet hem establert una rutina per anar a córrer 3 dies a la setmana.
Dilluns, dimarts i dijous.
Un dia ve ella a casa meu i anem a córrer pel part que hi ha aprop,
el següent dia vaig jo cap a casa seva i correm per la Diagonal.
I com a bones esportistes que som, aquí estem, avui, fent estiraments abans de començar.
I have stablished a routine with my friend Bet to go jogging 3 days per week.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
On day she comes to my flat and we go jogging to a park nearby,
the next day I go to her flat and we jogging at Diagonal.
And as good sport women that we are, here we are, today, stretching before jogging.
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