De camí m'he aturat per fer fotos del monunent a Colom. // On my way there, I stopped to take pics of Columbus monument. |
Una de les primeres coses que em va venir al cap quan em van regalar la Third Eye va ser:
"Merda! Fa poc que hi ha hagut lluna plena... M'hauré d'esperar bastant fins la pròxima!"
Un dels múltiples motius pels quals tenia ganes de tenir una càmera millor,
era per poder tirar fotos on s'apreciessin totes les sombres {la cara, que li'n dic jo} de la lluna.
Així que vaig mirar el calendari per saber quin dia seria la pròxima lluna plena.
Demà, el dia 27 de gener.
Però, avui no estava gens concentrada a la biblioteca, així que he decidit agafar la càmera i anar a la Barceloneta a tirar fotos de la sortida de la lluna pel mar.
"Shit! The full moon just happened recently... I will have to wait quite a lot until the next one!"
One of the many reasons I wanted a better camera,
was to be able to take photos of the moon where all its shadows {the face, as I call it} could be perfectly seen.
So, I looked at a calendar to check when the next full moon would be.
Tomorrow, January 27th is the day.
But, today I was not really concentrated at the library, so I decided to take the camera and to go to "La Barceloneta" to take some pics of the almost full moon rising from the sea.
Quan hi he arribat, la lluna ja estava bastant amunt.
I només un parell de segons més tard ja estava tapada per els núvols que cobrien el cel.
Així que sí, he arribat T-A-R-D!
Sí, fins i tot en això arribo tard... {Tinc el petit defecte d'arribar tard als llocs.}
La culpa, que m'he parat a tirar fotos al Monument de Colom.
When I got there, the moon was already quite high.
And only a few seconds later, it was behind the clouds that covered the sky,
So yes, I arrived L-A-T-E!
Yes, even at that I arrived late... {I have the little flaw to arrive always late.}
The reason, I stopped to take some pics of Columbus monument on the way there.
Però, més tard, per fi he vist la lluna!
But, later, finally I got to see the moon!
Per veure més fotos del cel d'arreu del món: SkyWatch Friday.
To enjoy more sky photos from around the world: SkyWatch Friday.
Great post!
ResponEliminaHappy SkyWatcFriday to you!
Looks like a great place! The monument looks cool! Happy Skywatching!
ResponEliminaI love the Columbus monument!! Just so intriguing, the way he is pointing off toward nothingness!!!
ResponEliminaAnd I love the image you did get of the moon!!
Very beautiful photos for SWF!
ResponEliminaThank you for sharing and have a nice weekend!
Ahhh, they all look so beautiful, even if you arrived late the stop over was really great. I like them all esp the moon, it looks eerie.