Aquesta entrada del blog està dedicada a la meva amiga Victoria de Leesburg, Virgínia als EUA.
Fa uns dies, quan em va felicitar el Nadal,
em va preguntar quines tradicions tenim aquí durant les festes de Nadal.
Així que aquí va una de les tradicions de Catalunya.
Aquesta és la dels pessebres vivents.
This blog post is dedicated to my friend Victoria from Leesburg, Virginia, US.
Some days ago, when she wished me a Merry Christmas,
she asked me what were the traditions here around Christmas time.
So, here's one of the Christmas traditions of Catalonia.
And this is the representation of the Nativity by real people.
La meva foto preferida de les que vaig tirar del Pessebre. // My fav photo from the living Nativity that I took. |
Fa molt de temps, quan tenia entre 10 i 13 anys, vaig participar uns quants anys
amb dues amigues meves a el pessebre vivent de Bàscara.
Aquest any, amb una de les meves amigues i les nostres famílies hem decidit anar-lo a veure.
I així per primera vegada gaudir del pessebre com a espectadores.
A long time ago, when I was between 10 and 13 years old, I participated with two friends
for some years in the living nativity of Bàscara.
This year, with one of my friends and our families, we went to see it.
And this was our first time enjoying it as spectators.
La veritat és que el pessebre, tot i que el recordàvem més gran,
no ens ha pas decepcionat, sinó tot el contrari.
Comença a la plaça de l'esglèsia amb l'àngel anunciant des de dalt el campanar a Maria que serà mare.
I després comença el recorregut per uns quants carrers del poble.
The truth is that the Nativity, even though we remembered it to be bigger,
didn't disappoint us, quite the opposite.
It beggins at the Church square where an angel announces to Mary from the top of the bell tower
that she will have a child.
And then the tour goes to some streets of the village.
Els Tres Reis de camí a l'estable. // The Three Kings are on their way to the manger. |
Després es baixa cap al riu,
on entre la roca i l'aigua formen un bonic paissatge.
Especialment per posar-hi l'estable.
Then it continues down the river,
where between rock and water they create such a beautiful landscape.
Specially for the manger.
L'estable amb els pastorets. // The manger and the shepherds. |
I el recorregut acaba un altre cop al poble,
on s'atravessa el mercat i es poden veure persones treballant dins les cases.
Then the tour ends again in the village,
where you cross an street market and you see some people working inside their houses.
Una nena molt mona venent carbasses al mercat. // Cute girl selling pumpkins at the market. |
El mercat sencer. // The whole street market. |
I després de veure el pessebre,
és obligat menjar un plat de botifarra amb mongetes seques.
Està boníssim!!!
{Aquest podria ser el motiu real pel qual hi he volgut anar... Porto anys somiant amb aquestes mongetes del ganxet... I tampoc em van decepcionar.}
And after the living Nativity,
it's compulsory to eat a dish of "botifarra amb mongetes seques". {sausage with white beans}
{It could be that this was the real reason that I wanted to go... I've been dreaming of these white beans for years... And they didn't disappoint me either.}
a very nice show of traditions, in the Philippines this living nativity scene is also practiced but in selected areas only... maybe because Spanish has so much influence in our country.
ResponEliminaI agree with you Prem. I too think it's because of how much Spain influenced in the Philippines. It's funny for me though to be confirmed by you that such a distant place (from Spain) had many traditions like us.
EliminaThank you for showing the traditional performance in your home region.
ResponEliminaIt's a pleasure, Annie. I hope you liked it.
EliminaNona what an amazing recreation of the Nativity and thank you for sharing it with me. I loved the manger scene down by the stream, so very sweet and meaningful. How many nights do they perform this live nativity? What part did you get to play when you participated in it. There must be a lot of planning that goes into recreating this every year. I think this is such a wonderful tradition and one that is a true reminder of the reason for the Christmas celebration.
ResponEliminaQueen Vee, I'm so happy that you liked my post for you. :D In this Village, they perform it quite a few times, I think 6 or so. I was always a shepherd girl. The first years I did it I was at an old outdoors washing place, pretending to be washing some clothes or folding them. The other years I was moved closer to the manger, and I was holding something I was supposed to be giving to the baby Jesus.
EliminaAll these places are by the river... so it was always so cold and had to stay still for 1 hour or 2...
When I was a little girl, I didn't though much about the planning... but this year when I went there and realized how well done it is and how many people there is, I though of how much work the planning must be.
EliminaWow! I would love for my kids to see that. I think I would be emotional watching it in person. It looks amazing. What a great tradition to do each year. And now I want sausage and beans. YUM.
ResponEliminaThis year was the nativity's 40th anniversary!!! So many many years doing it!
EliminaSo now you know where you have to spend Christmas another year. I would love to bring you there. :)
nonaaaa mhas de passar les fotos! quqnts records... em va agradar molt tornarhi amb tu. iiii visca la botifarra!! jeejej