Des de Girona, us vull desitjar a tots un Molt Bon Nadal!
Que ho celebreu acompanyats d'aquells que més us estimeu.
I un Feliç Any Nou, per si no torno a aparèixer a aquí abans...
{Tot i que estic fent tot el possible per posar-me al dia del blog.}
From Girona, I want to wish you all a Merry Merry Christmas!
That you celebrate it surrounded by those you love most.
And a Happy New Year, in case I don't show up before...
{Even though I'm doing my best to catch up blogging.}
bones festes de nadal i pròsper any nou
ResponEliminaHope you had a good one! we had a feast...
ResponEliminaIt's so great to read that you had a feast! :D
EliminaI did have a great start to the year too.