dissabte, 22 de desembre del 2012

Dia 85 - Any 3 // Day 85 - Year 3

Vistes de Barcelona des del Turó de la Rovira. // View of Barcelona from Turó de la Rovira.
Avui els meus pares m'han vingut a buscar a Barcelona.
I la meva mare que s'enrecordava que els hi havia dit que el pròxim cop que vinguéssin els portaria a un lloc nou, m'ho ha recordat.
Així que els he portat fins aquí dalt, al Turó de la Rovira.

Les vistes no els han pas decepcionat! :D

Today my parents came to pick me up in Barcelona.
And my mother who remembered that I had told them that the next time they would come I will take them to a new place, asked me to take them there.
So I took them up here, at Turó de la Rovira.

The view didn't disappoint them! :D

Per veure més fotos del cel d'arreu del món: SkyWatch Friday.
To enjoy more sky photos from around the world: SkyWatch Friday.

14 comentaris:

  1. very menacing clouds that are so low above the huge city! great shot

  2. It doesn't disappoint me either! What a wonderful shot of Barcelona!

  3. That's a fabulous view of the city, water and sky! I love the shades of gray in the sky and the colorful red tones in the city below.

  4. A very scenic view for a strategic spot.

    1. Sure it is such an strategic spot, here is where it used to be the anti-aircraft battery during the Civil War.
      Here's a link with some info about it: http://www.nextstop-barcelona.com/panorama-view-turo-de-la-rovira/

  5. Great picture! What an impressive view!

  6. Those clouds look really nasty. Great shot!

    I wish you all the best in 2013. Happy New Year!

    Wavy Clouds

    1. Happy New Year to you too, Liz! I hope 2013 is a good one!

  7. Wonderful view! Makes me regret that I did not know of this spot when I visited --

    1. Stan, this is such an unknown beautiful spot in Barcelona... It's normal for you to not know... I just discovered it recently!
      Here you can read some information about it: http://www.nextstop-barcelona.com/panorama-view-turo-de-la-rovira/

  8. Beautiful view..I loved Barcelona..I would love to come back :) Have a wonderful new year

    1. I think Barcelona is a nice you always want to go back, isn't it? ;)
      Happy New Year to you too, Lakshmi. I hope it's a good one for you and your family!


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