dissabte, 15 de desembre del 2012

Dia 78 - Any 3 // Day 78 - Year 3

Avui hem dormit fins tardet, ja que ens havíem de recuperar de la nit de festa d'ahir.
Quan ens hem llevat, els carrers estaven coberts d'una capa de gel molt traïdora,
però això no ens ha impedit anar a fer una visita pel centre.

Today we slept in because we had to recover from last night's party.
When we woke up, the streets were covered with a dangerous layer of ice,
but this didn't stop us from going to the city center.
Placeta de l'illa de Kampa a Praga. // Small square at Kampa's island in Prague.
El nostre guia, en Martin, ha necessitat mirar el mapa per portar-nos al següent lloc.
El mapa no ens ha ajudat massa, així que ho ha preguntat.

Our guide, Martin, needed to look at the map to took us to the following sight.
The map didn't help that much though, so he asked to some people.
Hélène, Claire-Marine and Martin looking at the map.
I aquí és on ens ha portat, al mur de John Lennon.

And here is where he took us, to John's Lennon wall.
Després hem seguit passejant per la riba del Vltava {avui per l'altre costat}
i ens hem trobat amb un art molt especial...

Then we walked the riberside of Vltava {today the other side}
and found really special art...
I com no podia ser de cap altra manera, hem acabat a dalt del castell
quan ja s'estava fent fosc i hem gaudit de les vistes de la ciutat il·luminada.

And as it couldn't be any other way, we ended up at the castle
when it was starting to get dark and we enjoyed beautiful views of the city lights.
I per despedir l'última nit de l'Hélène i la Claire-Marine a Praga,
hem anat al bar Blue Light i hem deixat els nostres noms escrits a la paret {ja que és tradició al local}
per buscar-los el pròxim cop que anem a Praga.

And since it was Hélène's and Claire-Marine's last night in Prague,
we went to Blue Light bar and wrote our names on the wall {since it's a tradition at this place}
so the next time in Prague we have to find them there.

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