divendres, 7 de desembre del 2012

Dia 70 - Any 3 // Day 70 - Year 3

Quan he sortir de casa per anar a passejar els gossos aquesta tarda,
he vist que s'estava produint una preciosa posta de sol.

Hem pujat al cotxe i m'he espavilat a anar cap als Àngels,
i buscar el lloc on tenir unes bones vistes.
Anava a contrarellotge,
així que abans d'arribar a lloc he parat un moment al costat de la carretera per tirar una foto.

Tot i que la foto no ho mostra del tot bé,
hi havia mig cel ple de núvols de color entre taronjós i rosat 
i l'altra meitat de cel no tenia ni un sol núvol.

When I walked outside my house to walk our dogs this afternoon,
I saw that there was a beautiful sunset. 

We hopped on the car and off we went to Els Àngels,
searching for the perfect place where to have great views.
Time was against me,
so I stopped beside the road to take a quick photo.

Even though the photo doesn't show it as beautiful as it was,
there was half the sky with orangey and pinky clouds,
the other half had no clouds.

Per veure més fotos del cel d'arreu del món: SkyWatch Friday.
To enjoy more sky photos from around the world: SkyWatch Friday.

6 comentaris:

  1. Wow, what's an incredible sky! Colors are awesome. Glad you stopped!


  2. time is always precious esp when we have to photograph the sunset. :)


  3. What a beautiful sky! This sunset looks almost delicate, and I'm glad you were able to capture this in time. I know how fleeting their beauty can be! Love those little puffy clouds. I always think it's the clouds that really make for the best sunsets and sunrises.

    I tried to read the Spanish part of your post (I'm terribly rusty now, but I minored in Spanish in college many years ago!), but there are a lot of words I didn't know at all, or should know but didn't recognize. Like "quan" instead of "quando" and "els gossos" instead of "los perros." But then I read your profile and saw where you live, and realized this must be Catalan! No wonder the Castilian Spanish they teach in schools here wasn't helping me much. :-) So thank you for providing the English translation! :-)

  4. The sky in your picture looks very beautiful to me! But I know what you mean about not being able to capture it all in a photo...."my" skies always look better when I see them than they do in my photos.

  5. Oooh, pretty colours! The sort of sky that takes your breath away when you witness it in person...


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