Aquesta tarda, de camí a conèixer l'Artur, el gat de les meves amigues,
m'he trobat amb aquesta bonica postal.
Cel blau fosc apunt de caure un ruixat i arbres amb fulles ataronjades.
Simplement preciós, llàstima que no tingués la meva càmera de veritat.
This afternoon, on my way to meeting Artur, my friends new cat,
I saw this beautiful combination.
Dark blue sky ready to pour some water and trees with orange leaves.
Simply beautiful, it's a shame I didn't have my real camera with me.
Hi, you are enjoying the beautiful season. I love to see the street view of other countries. Every time new finding.
ResponEliminaHAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear friend... hope you had a good one. I hope I am not late, kind of busy today even with the holiday. :)