Just després de dinar, he agafat els gossos i el llibre que estic llegint
{"Sé lo que estás pensando" de John Verdon},
i he anat a l'Olivet d'en Salgueda a lleguir una estona.
M'hi he estat fins que el sol s'ha tapat i ha començat a fer fred.
Mentre jo llegia, això és el que feia en Kiu, mirar-se.
Right after having lunch, I took my dogs and the book I'm reading
{"Think of a number" by John Verdon},
and went to l'Olivet d'en Salgueda to read for a while.
I kept reading there until the sun was covered by some clouds and started to get cold.
While I was reading, this is what Kiu did, he kept looking at me.
Sooooo cute!! Kiu is just waiting for you to play with him/her.
ResponEliminahahah... he must have been either thirsty or hungry or feeling the cold too.