De camí cap al pis, m'he trobat al costat del Palau Robert.
I de sobte m'he enrecordat que havia sentit que hi estaven fent alguna exposició,
he decidit aparcar la bici i anar a veure què hi fèien.
Al entrar al jardí ho he recordat.
Una exposició de les fotos guanyadores del concurs d'instagram
El millor de tot, tot i que no l'hagi pogut veure tota perquè m'han fet sortir,
ha estat una de les exposicions que hi ha a dins,
Us la recomano. Jo hi vull tornar per veure-la tota!
On my way back to my flat, I found myself next to Palau Robert.
At that moment, I suddenly remembered that I had heard of an exhibition that was there,
I decided to park my bike and go there to check.
When going into the garden I remembered which exhibition was.
An exhibition of the winning instagram photos from the contest
The best part, though I couldn't get to see it all because they closed before I was done,
had been one of the exhibitions that is being held inside the building,
I recommend you to go. I want to go back there to see the rest that I haven't.
wow, instagram is really getting the attention now, ha! i'd love to come if it were here.