dimecres, 29 d’agost del 2012

Dia 336 - Any 2

Aquesta nit ha sigut especial.
Ja que hem anat al FITAG i hem pogut veure l'obra de teatre que la Chris
ha estat preparant durant vuit mesos a San Potito Ultra, Itàlia
i de la qual n'havíem sentit tant a parlar.

L'obra, del gènere de la commedia dell'arte, era majoritàriament en italià,
però també en francès, castellà i català.
Evidentment, m'he perdut en alguns moments, però en general m'ha agradat molt!

No m'estranya que hagin tingut tant d'èxit a tot arreu on han anat. :)

Tonight has been a special night.
Because we went to FITAG and were able to saw the theatre play that Chris has been rehearsing for eight months in San Potito Ultra, Italy
and from which we have heard plenty of things.

The play, which belongs to the commedia dell'arte gender, was mostly in Italian
but also in French, Spanish and Catalan.

Obviously, I didn't understand it all and got lost some times, but overall I liked it!

No wonder they have been so successful everywhere they performed it. :)

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