dijous, 30 d’agost del 2012

Blogging break...

He decidit que m'agafo un temps sense publicar al blog però a la tornada actualitzaré tots els dies. Els motius són bàsicament dos:

- Estic molt enfainada estudiant pels exàmens de la setmana vinent.

- Blogger em diu he ocupat la capacitat màxima d'emmagatzematge de fotos. Així que necessito temps per averiguar com solucionar-ho.

A partir del dia 10 de setembre tornaré a publicar, sempre i quan hagi pogut solucionar el problema de l'emmagatzematge de fotos! Desitgeu-me sort!!!

I've decided to take a blogging break but on my return I will update all the missing days. There are two main reasons:

- I'm bussy studying for my exams next week. 

- Blogger says I have reached the maximum storage capacity for my photos on picasa. So I need some time to figure out how to solve this problem.

I'll be back on September 10th, if I manage to solve the photo storage problem! Wish me luck!!!

1 comentari:

  1. I notice that http://todaymelbourne.blogspot.com references photos from Melbourne Today 2 (a different Picasa account). So you could start a new Picasa account for the next batch of photos and reference them from the existing blog. It's probably not as convenient for posting but could be a solution. Another idea: what if you post your photos to Google+ and reference them from the blog? (does Google+ share space with Picasa?) I use flickr to hold my photos but you can only see the most recent 200 on the photo stream on a free account so that's not really viable (that limit was hidden when I signed up, if I'd known I'd have used Picasa). I post mine at 800 pixels wide so they take less storage online too. 1GB storage would give me over 1000 photos of space, maybe up to 2000 photos.


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