dissabte, 11 d’agost del 2012

Dia 318 - Any 2

Aquí us presento en Nuk, el gos de la meva germana.

Here I introduce you, Nuk, my sister's dog.

La meva germana i en Cesc estan de vacances, 
així que avui hem anat a fer una visita a en Nuk.
Ha estat molt content de veure'ns.
A qui potser no li ha agradat massa la visita ha sigut a en Kiu,
que sense trobar-se massa bé, i crec que sense tenir masses ganes, 
s'ha vist obligat a jugar amb l'energètic Nuk.

My sister and Cesc are on holidays,
so today we paid a visit to Nuk.
He was more than thrilled to see us.
Who might haven't liked the visit that much was Kiu,
who while doesn't feeling really well, and I believe without much will,
was forced to play with the playful Nuk.

L'estona que hem estat allà, hem pogut gaudir d'un bonic espectacle.
Primer podiem veure la pluja caure a la llunyania,
després els llampecs que omplien el cel.
Finalment unes quantes gotes han caigut, però poc després ha tornat a sortir el sol
i ha aparegut l'arc de Sant Martí,
que una mica més tard s'ha convertit en un arc de Sant Martí doble {a la foto es pot apreciar lleugerament}.
Després ha començat l'espectacle del núvols, fent formes del tot estranyes
fins a acabar amb una bonica posta de sol.

Com us podeu imaginar, no podia parar de tirar fotos.

While we were there, we could enjoy a really beautiful nature show.
First we were able to see rain falling at the distance,
also lightning that took all the sky.
Finally, rain arrived where we were, but not much time later the sun appeared again
so the rainbow made its appearance.
A little bit later, changed into a double rainbow {it can be slightly appreciated in the photo}.
Afterwards, the clouds show started, which consisted of strange cloud figures
until a beautiful sunset took all my attention.

As you can imagine, I couldn't stop taking photos.

Per veure més fotos del cel d'arreu del món: SkyWatch Friday.
To enjoy more sky photos from around the world: SkyWatch Friday.

8 comentaris:

  1. How adorable! And thank you for sharing a exciting rainbow shot! Great work.

  2. Gorgeous picture, yellow field and the rainbow. The field is glowing like gold.
    About the Park Güell, I just waited and waited for the right moment when there was no people in spots I wanted to shoot:) All you need is patience and time:)

  3. I forgot to tell you about Madonna's concert. She was late an hour or she just waited the darkness that lightshow would be perfect but it was really boring just wait and wait and stand by. My foot hurt really when I got home 1.30 am. It was more like music theatre than concert, she did sing some old songs which everybody know but I think it was more visual than musical show. The visuals were great and quite expressive.

  4. That's a gorgeous show Mother Nature put on for you!

  5. Beautiful shots! your dog is adorable. Happy sky watching.

    Still Cloudy

  6. Great composition on the rainbow photograph with just the right amount of sky. Thanks for sharing

  7. Wooow! Quina foto més genial Nona!! :D


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