Hi ha alguna cosa de la foto que us cridi l'atenció?
A mi m'ha costat adonar-me'n. De fet, no ha sigut fins que he vist un noi a l'altre costat de vorera tirant una foto que me n'he adonat.
Les tres noies, una al costat de l'altra, i la noia de més endavant anaven caminant a càmera lenta
amb els rostres ben seriosos i sense comentar una paraula.
A hores d'ara encara no sé què estava passant.
No hi havia cap càmera, visible si res més no, només les cares estranyades de la resta de vianants.
Is there anything in the photo that catches your eye?
It took me a while to realize. Actually, it wasn't until I saw a guy on the other side of the sidewalk taking a photo that I realized something was going on.
These three girls and the other girl in front of them were walking in slow motion while
pulling really serious faces and without saying a word.
It is still now that I don't know what was happening.
There was no camera, at least visible, only the puzzled faces of other pedestrians.
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