divendres, 8 de juny del 2012

Dia 254 - Any 2

Aquesta tarda, després de l'examen he anat cap al pis.
Estava al sofà berenant i descansant una mica quan la Txell m'ha dit si volia anar al cine.
Evidentment no m'ho he pensat.

Les dos ens hem posat en marxa i hem anat a veure
La pel·lícula ha estat bé, entretinguda i divertida. Si no l'heu anat a veure us la recomano.

En sortir del cine, la Txell ha vist el color rosat del cel, i com que ja em coneix una mica, m'ha dit: "Nona, mira el cel!".
Aprofitant que estàvem a Les Arenas, hem pujat a la terrassa a gaudir de les vistes.

This afternoon, after my exam I went to our apartment.
I was eating a snack on the sofa and relaxing a little bit when Txell texted me asking if I wanted to go to the cinema.
Of course I said yes.

Both of us got ready and went to watch
The movie was good, entertaining and funny. I recommend it if you haven't already seen it.

When we were leaving the cinema, Txell saw that the sky was pinkish, and since she already knows me a little bit, she said: "Nona, look this sky!".
Since we were at Les Arenas, we went to the rooftop terrace to enjoy the views.

3 comentaris:

  1. Fantastic city scene, also there's something I want to see closer... is that a statue that stands on the center? looks so tall and interesting.

    1. You are very observant Prem!
      Yes, there is a sculpture there in the middle. It's a Joan Miro's sculpture called "Woman and bird" and some time ago I posted a photo of it. Here is the link:

  2. What a great view, I'm adding this to my Barcelona wish-list.


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