Cada poble i petita ciutat té els seus personatges curiosos, extravagants...
però resulta que Barcelona, tot i ser una gran ciutat, no es queda pas enrere en aquest aspecte.
Què coneixeu l'home de la foto?
Avui mentre estava estudiant al meu pis, i en un moment de treva per part dels paletes,
he començat a sentir un soroll familiar que entrava per la finestra.
He mirat, i l'he vist!
L'home de "les palmes"! - si l'acabo de batejar amb aquest nom.
Every village and town has its own peculiar and quirky people...
but Barcelona, despite being a big city, doesn't step back on that.
Do you know this man in the picture above?
{Probably not, if you don't live in Barcelona.}
Today while I was studying in my room, and during a moment of truce by the construction workers,
I started hearing a familiar noise coming through the window.
I looked outside the window and saw him!
The Clapping man - yes I just baptized him with this name.
Ha, i know what you mean... I see some here too but not as peculiar as this. Ours here just seem to be not as noticeable as this.