Bé, ho he intentat...
He intentat posar el blog al dia... però segueixo endarrerida, un mes.
El motiu el de sempre, l'estudi i que al sortir de la biblioteca he estat fent coses interessants.
Però, m'acabaré posant el dia!
De moment no em rendeixo!!
De mentres però, us deixo amb aquest vídeo d'una cançó de la Sara Bareilles
que he descobert fa molt poquet i que m'encanta.
Podem dir que l'escolto "on repeat" un vegada i una altra.
No seria genial si tots tinguéssim una mica de la confiança que tenen els que surten al vídeo?
Bon dia i bon cap de setmana a tots!
So, I've tried...
I tried to catch up with the blog... but I'm still behind, one month.
The reason is the same as always, studying and then doing interesting things when leaving the library.
But I will finally catch up at some point!
I don't give up just yet!!
In the meanwhile, I share this video of a song from Sara Bareilles
that I recently discovered and that I love.
It could be an understanding to say that I listen to it "on repeat".
Wouldn't it be awesome if we all had a little of the confidence the people in the video have?
Have a nice day and a great weekend everyone!
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