Avui m'he menjat les primeres maduixes de casa!!!
Els hi faltava ser una mica més gustoses... i ja ens hi podríem dedicar.
O més ben dit, el meu pare s'hi podria dedicar! ;) {Ha sigut ell qui ha fet tota la feina.}
Si voleu veure fotos de l'evolució de les maduixes:
Today I ate for the first time the homegrown strawberries!!!
If the had been a little more tasty... we could open a strawberry farm.
Or more precisely, my father could do it! ;) {He is the one that did all the work.}
If you want to see photos of all the evolution of the strawberries:
here one from when they were still flowers and here when they had their shape (but still had to grow).
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