dissabte, 4 de maig del 2013

Dia 218 - Any 3 // Day 218 - Year 3

Aquesta tarda, després de sortir de l'acadèmia, he anat amb bici fins al mar.
He estat una estoneta llegint a la platja de La Barceloneta.
Després el cel s'ha començat a tapar, però abans de tornar cap a casa, tot i el risc que sabia que corria, he decidit acostar-me cap al Fòrum, on vèia molts de llums i que alguna cosa hi estava passant...

Quan ja quasi era allà, s'ha posat a ploure, així que he girat cua i he tornat cap a casa.
Al entrar per la porta del pis, anava xopa com un ànec.

This afternoon, after my classes, I rode my bike to the sea.
I sat on the La Barceloneta beach reading for a while.
Then some dark clouds started covering the sky, but before going back home, and knowing of the risk I was taking,
I decided to go to Fòrum {the opposite direction} because I could see many lights and that something was going on there...

When I was almost there, it started raining, so I turned around and started heading home.
When I finally arrived home, I was soaked to the skin. 

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