dimecres, 1 de maig del 2013

Dia 215 - Any 3 // Day 215 - Year 3

Nosaltres assajant.  // Us rehearsing.
Avui ha sigut un dia GENIAL! {I no estic fent servir les majúscules a la lleugera...}
Aprofitant que avui era festa, Dia Internacional del Treballador, La Piscifactoria ha fet un assaig matinal al terrat de ca la Sara. Crec que a la foto es veu que ha sigut un assaig molt divertit! :)

I després de l'assaig, dinar comunitari al terrat amb molta gent més i a ben dinat...
hem fet un "Improshow Amateur".

M'ho he passat genial, ha sigut molt i molt divertit!!!
Sara, quan repetim??? Ja en tinc ganes de més!

El públic gaudint d'una de les improvitzacions.  // The audience enjoying one of the improvitzation pieces.
Today was such an AWESOME day! {And I'm not using capital letters lightly.} 
Taking advantage of today's holiday, International Worker's Day, La Piscifactoria {my theatre group} did a morning rooftop rehearsal at Sara's building. I think you can tell by the photo that it was such a fun rehearsal! :)

And after rehearsal, it was time for a communal rooftop lunch with more people and after lunch...
we did an "Amateur Improshow" {improvitzation game}.

I had such a great time, it was so so much fun!!!
Sara, when can we repeat? I already want more!

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