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Festa pel meu aniversari (6 -7 anys?) amb els amics a casa. // Birthday party at home with my friends (6-7 years old?). |
Fa uns dies vaig veure un vídeo que corria pel facebook,
que em va recordar la meva pròpia experiència durant la primària.
A la meva classe, hi havia l'Elena, una nena amb Síndrome de Down.
M'és difícil d'explicar amb paraules, però tenir-la com a companya de classe va ser un molt bon regal.
Vaig aprendre moltes coses.
I crec que els meus companys de classe ho comparteixen perquè al posar-ho com a estatus al facebook,
molts van posar "m'agrada" o van comentar afirmant-ho.
A sota teniu el vídeo en qüestió.
Some days ago I saw a video on facebook,
that made me think of my own experience at elementary school.
In my class, there was Elena, a girl with Down's Syndrome.
It's difficult to explain it with words, but having her as a classmate was one of the greatest gift I could have asked for.
I learned so many thing thanks to her.
And I think most of my classmates think the same since when I wrote this as a facebook status,
they either "liked" it or commented with words of agreement.
Below you have the video I'm talking about.
Oh, you are all so cute in here... which one is you? I can't tell.