dijous, 3 de gener del 2013

Dia 97 - Any 3 // Day 97 - Year 3

Un dia, la meva amiga Samantha va publicar al seu blog que li encanten tot tipus de sopes.
Li vaig dir que a mi em xifla l'escudella de la meva àvia, que ara fa la meva mare.
Em va demanar que li enviés la recepta.
D'això ja fa més d'un any.

Avui finalment he posat fil a l'agulla,
he tirat fotos mentre la meva mare ho preparava
i he traduït la recepta de la meva àvia a l'anglès per poder-li enviar.

I per fi, després de tanta espera, la Samantha ja té la recepta de l'Escudella de la meva àvia.

Si algú vol la recepta, deixeu-me un comentari i manera de contactar amb vosaltres.

One day, my friend Samantha posted on her blog about her love of soups.
I told her about my love for my Grandma's soup {escudella}, which now my mom cooks.
She immediately asked for the recipe.
It's been more than a year of that.

Today, I made a start
by taking photos while my mom was preparing it
and translated my grandma's recipe into English in order to sent it to her.

So, finally, after a long wait, Samantha has my grandma's escudella recipe.

If there's someone interested in having the recipe, ask me in the comments and leave me a way to contact you. 

2 comentaris:

  1. Hi Aiketa,
    Simple question. Are these photos are your soup? I don't know I can prepare ingredients here, but I love to try the soup!

    1. Recipe sent beagleAnnie! I hope it's not difficult for you to find all the ingredients. Let me know if you like it! ;)


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