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Impromptu dance during the rehearsal. Photo borrowed from Maria F. |
Aquesta és la meva millor medecina,
Ha sigut una tarda excessivament divertida, no podíem parar de riure.
Ja quasi al final de l'assaig, em tocava dir una frase amb un to de preocupació,
m'ha sigut impossible fer-ho amb l'atac de riure que m'ha agafat.
Quan havia mig superat l'atac, llavors eren els altres que no podien aguantar-se el riure.
Ja ho va dir la Patri, els dimecres són Happy Wednesday!!!
I a més a més, el dimecres d'avui ha sigut especialment dolç.
He vist a la Bet després de la seva estada de 6 mesos a la India i Nepal.
L'he anyorat!
P.D: Finalment m'he omplert de valor i he publicat els meus propòsits d'any nou.
Ara ja no hi ha volta enrere, ara ja els he de complir.
Si vols saber quins són, aquí estan escrits.
This is my best medicine,
Today was an excessively fun afternoon, we couldn't stop laughing.
Almost at the end of the rehearsal, was my turn to say a line in a worried way,
it was absolutely impossible for me to do so because of the laughing-fit I had.
When I almost overcame it, then it was the other people on stage that couldn't stop laughing.
Patri had said it right, Wednesdays are Happy Wednesday!!!
And what's more, this Wednesday was specially sweet.
I saw Bet for the first time since she came back after spending 6 month in India and Nepal.
I had missed her!
P.S: I have finally posted my New Year's Resolutions.
There no turning back, I now have to work to accomplish them.
If you wanna know which are they, here they are.
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