Avui al migdia he arribat a Praga.
A l'aeroport m'han vingut a buscar en Martin, l'Hélène i la Claire-Marine.
El nostre llarg cap de setmana a Praga estava a punt de començar. No podia estar més emocionada!
Today, at early afternoon I arrived at Prague.
At the airport came Martin, Hélène and Claire-Marine to pick me up.
Our long weekend in Prague was about to start. I couldn't be more thrilled!

A l'aeroport m'han vingut a buscar en Martin, l'Hélène i la Claire-Marine.
El nostre llarg cap de setmana a Praga estava a punt de començar. No podia estar més emocionada!
Today, at early afternoon I arrived at Prague.
At the airport came Martin, Hélène and Claire-Marine to pick me up.
Our long weekend in Prague was about to start. I couldn't be more thrilled!

Però resulta que sí que podia, perquè al moment de sortir a fora i veure TOTA LA NEU,
no podia contenir la meva alegria!!!
Feia salts d'emoció, literalment...
Tot estava molt bonic.
But it turns out that yes I could, because when walking outside and seeing ALL THE SNOW around us,
I couldn't contain my joy!!!
I was jumping with excitement, literally...
Everything was so beautiful.
no podia contenir la meva alegria!!!
Feia salts d'emoció, literalment...
Tot estava molt bonic.
But it turns out that yes I could, because when walking outside and seeing ALL THE SNOW around us,
I couldn't contain my joy!!!
I was jumping with excitement, literally...
Everything was so beautiful.
Després de deixar les coses al pis d'en Martin, ens hem dirigit cap al centre de la ciutat.
Estàvem totes ansioses per veure Praga decorada de Nadal.
Hem agafat el metro fins a Mustek i hem començat la ruta pel centre.
After leaving our luggage at Martin's apartment, we headed to the city center.
We were all anxious to see Prague decorated for Christmas.
We took the metro to Mustek and started our tour around the city center.
Estàvem totes ansioses per veure Praga decorada de Nadal.
Hem agafat el metro fins a Mustek i hem començat la ruta pel centre.
After leaving our luggage at Martin's apartment, we headed to the city center.
We were all anxious to see Prague decorated for Christmas.
We took the metro to Mustek and started our tour around the city center.
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La Claire-Marine, l'Hélène i jo fent el tonto a Wenceslas Square. // Claire-Marine, Hélène and me being silly at Wenceslas Square. |
Hem seguit passejant per la Plaça Venceslau, tot mirant les diferents paradetes que hi havia.
I per integrar-nos una mica més, ens hem comprat Svarák (vi calent).
I tant calent que te'l serveixen!!! No me'l podia beure!
We continued walking at Wenceslau Square, looking at the small Christmas stands there.
And to feel more integrated, we bought ourselves Svarák (mulled wine).
Oh, and they serve it too hot!!! I couldn't drink it!
I per integrar-nos una mica més, ens hem comprat Svarák (vi calent).
I tant calent que te'l serveixen!!! No me'l podia beure!
We continued walking at Wenceslau Square, looking at the small Christmas stands there.
And to feel more integrated, we bought ourselves Svarák (mulled wine).
Oh, and they serve it too hot!!! I couldn't drink it!
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En Martin, l'Hélène i jo bevent Svarák. // Martin, Hélène and me drinking Svarák. |
Crec que mai he estat a una altra plaça més bonica i màgica, especialment per Nadal.
Què en penseu vosaltres?
And finally we arrived at Old Town Square.
I think I've never been in a square more beautiful and magical, specially during Christmas.
What do you think?
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As I said when I posted it on instagram: "Big Christmas tree and a Disney-like church, could you think of a more magical place?" |
i hem ballat a l'estil Dirty Dancing...
En Martin ha intentat ensenyar-me a ballar bachata amb ell,
i a la Claire-Marine un noi li ha demanat per ballar amb ella i la seva parella a l'Hélène.
Ha sigut una nit ben diferent i divertida.
And at night we went to Chapeau Rouge, where by chance was "Latino Night"
and we danced as in Dirty Dancing...
Martin tried to teach me how to dance bachata with him,
Claire-Marina was asked to dance with a guy and Hélène by his partner.
I was such a different and fun night.
Have a happy trip in Prague!