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La Griselda, el meu cosí i jo. Jo sóc la de les ulleres. // Griselda, my cousin and I. I'm the girl wearing sunglasses. |
estava rebuscant entre caixes de fotos a casa els meus pares, quan vaig trobar aquesta foto.
Se'm va dibuixar, immediatament, un somriure a la cara.
Els records dels moments passats a aquest lloc {el patí de la meva tia àvia},
els moments jugant amb el cotxe elèctric amb el meu cosí...
i molts més moments de la meva infantesa passats amb el meu cosí, van començar a aflorar.
Some days ago,
I was searching through some boxes of photos at my parents house, when I found this photo.
Without knowing it, I was smiling.
Memories of the time spent at that {my great-aunt's garden},
of the time playing with my cousin and his electric car...
and many more moments of my childhood spent with my cousin, started to invade me.
Looks like a perfect place for kids to play in!!
ResponEliminajajajaja és molt mona la foto :)
ResponEliminaIt's always so nice to go back to happy times, isn't it? I just wish I had my childhood photographs with me here in the US. :)
I was also smiling when I saw this photo. Thanks for sharing it with us. It looks as if you have many happy memories of those times.
ResponEliminaHappy childhood memories! Finding oldfamily photos is a wonderful way to bring those good times back.