Avui era l'aniversari de la Màriau,
així que vam decidir fer-li una festa sorpresa a casa seva.
I podem estar orgullosos de nosaltres, perquè no ha sospitat res de res!
Today was Màriau's birthday,
so we decided to throw her a surprise birthday party at her house.
And we can be proud of ourselves, because she didn't suspect anything.

així que vam decidir fer-li una festa sorpresa a casa seva.
I podem estar orgullosos de nosaltres, perquè no ha sospitat res de res!
Today was Màriau's birthday,
so we decided to throw her a surprise birthday party at her house.
And we can be proud of ourselves, because she didn't suspect anything.

Una de les millors parts ha sigut quan estàvem tots amagats darrera els sofàs del menjador
esperant la seva arribada.
Ens ho hem passat molt bé!
Però, sense cap mena de dubte, la millor part ha sigut el que ha passat quan ella ha arribat a casa
acompanyada de la seva germana {que era l'esquer}.
Han anat directament cap a la seva habitació, i nosaltres encara amagats sense dir ni mu.
Just després, ha sonat el telèfon.
I sentim a la Màriau que respon: "Hola Papi!!!!"
Una petita rialla se'ns ha escapat, però de seguida ens ha vingut al cap la pregunta:
– Quanta estona durarà la conversa? 10 minuts? 20? o potser 30???? –.
Quan de sobte sentim a l'Andrea, la seva germana, dir:
"Màriau me pones la tele?".
I la Màriau, encara amb el telèfon a l'orella i una mica estranyada
camina cap al menjador...
One of the best parts was when we were hidden behind the living room sofas
waiting for her arrival.
We had such a good time!
But, without doubts, the best part was what happened when she arrived home
with her sister {her mission was to take her out of the house so we can prepare everything}.
They went directly to her room, so we still were silently hidden.
Right after the telephone rang.
And we hear her answer: "Hello Daddy!!!!"
A little laugh was heart among us, but soon after the question popped on our heads:
– How long will this phone call will take? 10 minutes? 20? o maybe 30???? –.
When immediately we hear Andrea, her sister, say:
"Màriau, would you turn on the TV for me?"
So, Màriau, still with the phone attached to her ear and a little bit stranged for her sister's request
goes to the livingroom...

La seva reacció a la sorpresa ha sigut
un crit i unes quantes llàgrimes!
I quan ha pogut tornar a parlar amb el seu pare,
s'ha despedit i ha penjat.
Her reaction to the surprise was
a loud shout and some shed tears!
When she was able to talk again with her father,
she said goodbye and hung up the phone.
I després del sopar,
ha tocat bufar les espelmes per tercera vegada en un dia! :D
And after dinner,
it was time to blow the candles for the third time in one day! :D
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D'esquerra a dreta i de darrera a davant: Anna, jo, Andrea, Màriau, Núria i Irene. // Left to right and back to front: Anna, me, Andrea, Màriau, Núria and Irene. |
una foto d'unes quantes de nosaltres amb la "ojomeneada"!!!
Només afegiré:
Moooooltes felicitats Màriaueta! Espero que hagis passat un dia genial!
And to finish this post,
a photo of some of us with the birthday girl!!!
I will only add:
Happy Birthday Màriaueta! I hope you had an incredible day!
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