divendres, 2 de novembre del 2012

Dia 35 - Any 3 // Day 35 - Year 3

Avui, a la programació de les Fires Populars hi havia un acte especial,

És una activitat difícil d'explicar.
És com uns "Sanfermines" a la gironina, ja que el que et persegueix són les mosques.

Today, on the schedule of popular activities of the Fair there was a special event,

This activity is difficult to explain.
It's like a Girona's style "Sanfermines", since what is chasing you are flies.
{Flies are an important part of Girona's history and legends. Here's the legend of The Flies of St. Narcissus, Girona's patron Saint.}
El pregó de la 4a edició del Corremosques. // The opening speech of the Fourth edition of "Corremosques".
 Però el millor de tot, és que el pregoner no era ni més ni menys que
en Josmar!!!

But best of all, the person who gave the speech was none other than
{a famous singer from Girona who doesn't know much about singing.}
En Josmar cantant abans de llegir el pregó. // Josmar singing before reading the speech.

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