Aquesta tarda, he decidit anar a Girona a passar unes horetes.
El motiu?
Fer-li una sorpresa a la meva mare pel seu sant - avui és Sant Antoni o Antonyita en el seu cas.
Al migdia, he trucat al meu pare i mentre ell feia teatre a travès del telèfon perquè tenia a la meva mare al seu davant, li he preguntat què li semblava si li organitzàvem un sopar sorpresa.
La idea li ha agradat i ens hem posat a organitzar-ho.
Ens calia buscar el restaurant i avisar a la meva germana i al seu xicot.
La cara que ha posat la meva mare quan ens ha vist arribar a nosaltres (la meva germana, el seu xicot i jo) quan pensava que anava a sopar només amb el meu pare, ha sigut boníssima!
A més a més, el viatge en tren m'ha servit per acabar el meu tercer llibre de la llista.
Ara ja puc tatxar "En el mar hi ha cocodrils".
This afternoon, I decided to go to Girona to spend some hours.
The reason?
To give my mother a surprise for her Saint Day - Saint Anthony or Antonyita in her case.
At noon, I called my father and while he was acting over the phone because my mother was in front of him, I asked him if he liked the idea of organizing a surprise dinner for her.
He did so we started to organize it.
We had to find the restaurant and invite my sister and her boyfriend.
My mom's surprise face when she saw us (my sister, her boyfriend and me) arriving when she thought she was going to dinner just with my father was so worth it!
In addition, during the train ride I finished my third book from the list.
Now I can cross "In the sea there are crocodiles" off the list.
Ah, crocodiles... heheeh, hope the next one isn't about alligators. Joke.