De tota la vida, a la rotonda del meu barri i just darrera dels contenidors de les escombraries,
hi ha hagut una parcel·la on mai hi havien edificat ni fet absolutament res.
Simplement era un tros de terreny on ningú, a part dels gats, hi anava.
Ara potser farà un any que el van tancar i que van començar a cuidar el terreny.
Fa temps que havia vist el petit hort que hi han fet,
però la sorpresa ha estat quan aquesta primavera m'he adonat de
l'existència de rosers, ara ben florits, que han plantat a tot el vol de la tanca.
La veritat és que ara aquest terreny fa molt de goig!
All my life, at my neighborhood's traffic circle and just behind the garbage bins,
there have always been this plot where never have been built anything.
It was basically an area where noone, except from cats, ever went.
It may be a year now since it was fenced and the owners started to take care of the plot.
Some time ago I saw that there was a little vegetable garden,
but I had such a surprise when I realized, this Spring,
of the existence of many rosebushes, which are in bloom now, all around the fence.
Truth be told, the plot is much more nicer now!
of the existence of many rosebushes, which are in bloom now, all around the fence.
Truth be told, the plot is much more nicer now!
Wow, this is so dainty and fresh looking.