dissabte, 19 de maig del 2012

Dia 234 - Any 2

Així és com em passejo aquests dies per casa.
Pantalons del pijama i sabates de taló.
Aquestes són les sabates que portaré el dia de la graduació 
i mai havia portat uns talons tant alts.
Així que he de practicar!!!

This is how I walk around those days at home.
Pyjamas trousers and high heels.
These are the shoes I will wear on my Graduation Day 
and I had never before had shoes as high as these ones.
So I need to practise!!!

2 comentaris:

  1. Just make sure you don't wear pj's on graduation hehe... i bet you're thrilled to be a graduate. Congratulation in advance.

    1. I will!! Hehe! I have contradictory feelings... I want to graduate but also I'm sad this episode of my life is ending...


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