Sopar amb els de la uni i uns quants galls i molts riures al Sing Star!
Ooooh, que bé que ens ho hem passat, però intueixo que els veïns no tant...
Dinner with my friends from the university and some squeaks and many laughs with Sing Star!
Ooooh, we had such a great time, but I guess the neighbors not that much...
Francesc, jo i Núria cantant. // Francesc, me and Núria singing. |
Entre cançó i cançó, ens hem adonat del què està apunt de succeir,
acabem la carrera i probablement ja no ens veurem tant sovint...
Això em posa trista cada cop que hi penso...
Between songs, we realized about what is about to happen,
we will end the degree and we will probably not see each other as frequently as now...
This makes me feel sad every time I think of it...
Anna, Josep, Núria, Silvia, Francesc, Màriau i jo. // Anna, Josep, Núria, Silvia, Francesc, Màriau and me. |
Per acabar la vetllada, ens hem fet unes quantes fotos que han resultar ser molt maques {com aquesta d'aquí dalt} i també molt divertides {les quals no es poden publicar}.
To wrap up the evening, we took some photo which came out to be very beautiful {like the picture above} and also very funny {which can't be published}.
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