dissabte, 12 de maig del 2012

Dia 227 - Any 2

Antti, Henrietta i jo. // Antti, Henrietta and me.
Dijous al vespre al arribar a Girona i veure un cartell de Temps de Flors
se'm va encendre la llumeta.
Li podia recomenar a la Henrietta (amiga blogger finlandesa) fer una visita a Girona 
mentre estiguessin de vacances a Barcelona, 
ja que a ella li encanten les flors i de passada veurien una altra ciutat.

Ahir al matí li vaig dir i li va faltar temps per dir-me que sí que vindrien.

Així que avui al migdia ens hem conegut en persona i els he acompanyat a veure
les exposicions de Temps de Flors.

M'han dit que els hi ha agradat molt Girona { :) },
tot i que aquest any a Temps de Flors li faltaven moltes flors...
I a mi m'ha agradat molt introduir-los-hi {el que fa aquest gran amor que tinc per la meva ciutat} 
i coneixe'ls en persona.

Aquí l'entrada al blog de la Henrietta sobre Girona: link.

Thursday evening when I arrived in Girona and saw a street poster of Temps de Flors
I had a light bulb moment.
I could tell Henrietta (a Finnish blog friend) to visit Girona
while they were on holidays in Barcelona,
because she loves flowers and also this way they would get to know a different city.

Yesterday morning I told her and not long after that she told me they will come today.

So, today at midday we met for the first time in real life and I went with them 
to see some of the flower exhibits.

They told me that they really liked Girona { :) },
even though this year there was a huge lack of flowers on the exhibits...
And I really liked being able to introduce them my city {my love for this city is huge}
and being able to get to know them in real life.

Here Henrietta's blog post about Girona: link.

2 comentaris:

  1. Oh my goodness, now I can see the picture much larger I really look like idiot:) Well sweating like 10 liters doesn't make any good for any women, right!
    Love the Girona and I put recommendation to Facebook too with dancing picture:)
    Hugs, Henrietta

    1. No! You don't look like an idiot!!! You are just being funny and I like it! :)
      But you are right... that hot was almost unbearable. When I was studying at the library I was worried that I might have got a slightly sunstroke... It was sure too much!


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