dissabte, 28 d’abril del 2012

Dia 213 - Any 2

Avui he anat amb la meva mare a Blanes en busca d'un vestit pel sopar de graduació.
Fa uns quants anys, pel casament d'una de les meves cosines hi vam anar,
però des de llavors que no hi havíem tornat.
Així que avui hi anàvem amb una certa por a que la botiga hagués tancat,
però per sort no ha estat així i el viatge no ha sigut en va.

I a part de trobar la botiga oberta,
he trobat el vestit perfecte!

Veieu un detallet que em fa somriure? {Un cor} //  Do you spy a detail that makes me smile? {A heart}

Today I went with my mother to Blanes to find a dress for the Graduation Dinner.
Several years ago, we went there to buy our dresses for one of my cousin's wedding,
but we hadn't visited back since then.
So today, we went there with a certain fear that the store might have closed,
but fortunately the shop was still there and our trip wasn't in vain.

And, not only we found the store open
but I also found the perfect dress!

2 comentaris:

  1. These are just lovely photos!!! Also, thank you for stopping by and commenting on my Hawaii blogposts. Nice to see you and hope you are having a lovely week!!


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