dimarts, 17 d’abril del 2012

Dia 202 - Any 2

Crec que puc assegurar que aquesta és l'única cosa que no m'agrada del meu pis.
Sí, els bombers.
Tot i que el Parc de Bombers ens queda uns quants carrers més enllà,
resulta que el nostre carrer és la seva principal ruta de sortida per molts dels seus serveis...

Així que en un sol dia, pot sentir-los passar unes quantes vegades.
Durants aquells segons, no és possible cap tipus de comunicació. Cap!
Mai havia sentit un escàndol tant exagerat.

És ensordidor!!!
{Eh, Marina? (text de l'obra de teatre "Hiroshima, mon amour.")}


I think I can assure you that this is the only thing I dislike about my apartment.
Yes, the firemen.
Although the Fire Station is located a few blocks away,
it turns out that our street is their main exit route to most of their services...

So, in just one day, I can hear crossing my street them more than a few times.
During those seconds, there is no possible way of communication. Not one!
I've never heard a scandal like that.

It's deafening!
{Isn't it Marina? (line from our theatre play "Hiroshima, mon amour.")}

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